IP Strategy & Licencing – Impacts on the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters

IP is on the mind for growing manufacturers and exporters in Canada – This week I spoke at the CME-STEP Export Insight series where I focused IAM and IP Monetization.

The Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) and the Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership (STEP), in collaboration with HSBC Bank Canada, brings together senior business leaders from throughout the province for intimate, high-impact, and executive-level discussions, aimed at providing the knowledge necessary to compete and win in global markets.

The CME-STEP leadership had identified IAM as a critical topic for membership and had asked me to speak on the IP strategy based steps a company needs to have as a foundation for successful and applicable patents in a license program.

My thanks to HSBC for sponsoring the event, as well as CME, STEP, and their membership for inviting me to speak.

I have posted the slides below:

A hard-copy of the slides is available here.

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